What age is your child?
We have something for every milestone

3-6 Months
- Smiles spontaneously to human contact
- Smiles when playing alone
- Smiles at faces of several family members
- Stops crying when spoken to
- Shows different responses to different family members
- Coos to caregivers
7-12 Months
- Responds to “Come here baby!”
- Becomes more outgoing with familiar people
- Shows anxiety when separated from favorite caregiver
- Likes to be with specific people
- Uses speech sounds to get attention
- Listens when spoken to
- Says 1-3 words
- Uses nouns almost exclusively
- Understands simple commands

7-12 Months
- Responds to “Come here baby!”
- Becomes more outgoing with familiar people
- Shows anxiety when separated from favorite caregiver
- Likes to be with specific people
- Uses speech sounds to get attention
- Listens when spoken to
- Says 1-3 words
- Uses nouns almost exclusively
- Understands simple commands

12-18 Months
- Follows simple directions, especially with gestures
- Practices intonation, sometimes imitating an adult
- Is aware of the value of communication
- Uses much, meaningful jargon with inflection and emotion
- Has an expressive vocabulary of 5-20 words
- Produces 2-word phrases
- Most speech is unintelligible
- Combines gestures and vocalizations
- Requests more of desired items
18-24 Months
- Names common objects
- Uses 2-3 or more prepositions like “in” or “under”
- Uses noun + verb consistently
- Listener understands 2/3 of what child says
- Understands 300 words or more
- Uses 100-200 words reliably
- Rhythm and fluency of speech is poot
- Confuses “I” and “Me”
- Poor control of pitch and volume
- Follows commands such as “show me your nose”
- Adding more words
- Knows 5 body parts
- Enjoys listening to stories
- Answers “what’s that” questions

18-24 Months
- Names common objects
- Uses 2-3 or more prepositions like “in” or “under”
- Uses noun + verb consistently
- Listener understands 2/3 of what child says
- Understands 300 words or more
- Uses 100-200 words reliably
- Rhythm and fluency of speech is poot
- Confuses “I” and “Me”
- Poor control of pitch and volume
- Follows commands such as “show me your nose”
- Adding more words
- Knows 5 body parts
- Enjoys listening to stories
- Answers “what’s that” questions

25-36 Months
- Uses 3-4 word sentences
- Speech is 50-70% intelligible to strangers
- Understands 500-900 words
- Says 50-250 or more words
- Beginds to use plurals and past tense
- Asks 1-2 word questions
- Requests items by name
- Uses vowels correctly
- Responds to some yes and no questions
- Knows main body parts
- Verbs begin to emerge
- Able to explain Experiences
3-4 Years
- Understands more than is able to express
- Identifies animals
- Begins to identify colors
- Enjoys pretend play schemes
- Imitates many words, phrases, sounds
- Understands contrasts
- Uses at least four prepositions
- Speech is 80% intelligible to strangers
- Understands 1200-2000 words
- Says 800-1500 or more words
- Uses 4-5 words in sentences
- Uses pronouns (him, her, she they)
- Tells two events in chronological order
- Engages in meaningful and long conversation

3-4 Years
- Understands more than is able to express
- Identifies animals
- Begins to identify colors
- Enjoys pretend play schemes
- Imitates many words, phrases, sounds
- Understands contrasts
- Uses at least four prepositions
- Speech is 80% intelligible to strangers
- Understands 1200-2000 words
- Says 800-1500 or more words
- Uses 4-5 words in sentences
- Uses pronouns (him, her, she they)
- Tells two events in chronological order
- Engages in meaningful and long conversation

4-5 Years
- Can repeat sentences as long as 9 words
- All speech should be intelligible, but some articulation errors may be present
- Able to count to 10
- Knows opposites
- Can follow 3-step commands without help
- Understands simple time concepts
- Uses adjectives and adverbs in conversations
- Talks extensively during play
- Can repeat 4 syllable words
- Able to define common words
Join The Community
250 Georgia Ave. Suite 315 Atlanta, GA 30312
Call us at: 470.210.4301
Email: [email protected]
8:30am to 6:00pm Monday through Thursday
Virtual Only on Fridays
Closed on Saturdays and Sundays